
In Frank Herbert's 1965 science fiction novel Dune, there is a phrase—really a mantra or incantation—used by the main character and his mother at various times when they are facing particularly challenging circumstances:  "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will...

If you’re on any form of social media, you most likely saw pictures and videos circulating from last weekend's Platinum Jubilee celebrations for Queen Elizabeth. My favorite image of the bunch is of 4-year old Prince Louis making faces at his mom, the beautiful Kate...

I graduated from college in 1995 with a degree in economics and finance. At that time, only about 14% of Americans used the web (and only 20% of them went online every day), Amazon had just opened for business and the most popular web destinations...

We all want the investment that does this: A smooth and steady march up-and-to-the-right. The challenge is the stock market actually does this: Where things get interesting is when you take the blue line from my hypothetical investment and overlay it onto the second chart showing the actual...

Several years ago, a friend called me “book-ish” – which felt like an insult at the time. It may have been said both in trust and in jest, and I may have also given the strong reaction that they were hoping to get – but...