
Ask most 50-year olds if they think they've saved enough for retirement and you will usually get a quick and emphatic - No Way! Their reasons are always the same - there just wasn't enough left over to save. The individual reasons run the gamut from educating...

The stock market continues to party higher and higher with no signs of stopping, or for that matter, any real weakness. As it rises, some consider increasing their exposure to stocks, particularly some big names Amazon, Apple, Alphabet (Google) Facebook, while others consider decreasing their...

I have to say in all honesty, that today's Brief has left me feeling too much like Ebenezer Scrooge on the last business day before Christmas, but as he would say - 'its business.' We have been getting a lot of questions from clients regarding how the...

Here's what's in the final House-Senate tax bill according to the providers of our tax analysis software - Bloomberg BNA Tax - as written by Laura Davison, Allyson Versprille, and Kaustuv Basu.   "Congressional Republicans released the conference committee report detailing specifics of the tax bill they hope...

That’s a great question. It’s a question that I hear a lot as a financial planner. Maybe it’s a question YOU have, sitting wherever you’re sitting, reading this article. Here’s the thing though, like most great questions, questions that seem like they should have a great...