
Disintegration: To lose unity, integrity, or strength by or as if by breaking into parts, as defined by Merriam Webster. Our social, political and institutional systems offer, on a daily basis, glaring examples of the debilitating impact of 'breaking into parts.' Self interest and promotion,...

[caption id="attachment_9482" align="alignleft" width="225"] Future Financial Advisor[/caption] My son Cooper and I love to go to Ace Hardware in Seaboard Station. Usually we go to get something for a house project but I’ll admit we occasionally go just for the free popcorn and to watch the...

Yesterday, I had one of those wonderful opportunities to share life-changing news with a new client. I'll call her Mary. During two prior meetings, Mary had shared how difficult her job was and how she would love to change to a less stressful and more...

On January 26th, markets abruptly exited the smooth freeway we had grown so accustomed to for a rocky cross-country romp that may continue for some time. The uncertainty of trade wars, Federal Reserve interest rate tightening,  and possible inflation have replaced the confidence of tax...

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know And you are the one who’ll decide where to go. Dr. Seuss Sometimes the day...

Here's a five-minute exercise that just might, if you participate, change your life. Write down at least three things you feel you must do at this stage in your life . . . Now write down at least three enjoyable things you would do more of if...