Yesterday, Sam, Jared and I were out around town and had multiple people ask us about the recent craziness in the stock market. If you're not caught up with what's been going on here's a quick update. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 272 points. The next day it rose 274 points only to plummet 300 points on Thursday, marking the Dow's most erratic 3 days since August 2011. It would appear that our old friend Volatility has come back for a visit. So, what’s causing all the commotion?
Yesterday, Sam, Jared and I were out around town and had multiple people ask us about the recent craziness in the stock market. If you're not caught up with what's been going on here's a quick update. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 272 points. The next day it rose 274 points only to plummet 300 points on Thursday, marking the Dow's most erratic 3 days since August 2011. It would appear that our old friend Volatility has come back for a visit. So, what’s causing all the commotion?
Due to the large number of Baby Boomers in retirement or retiring soon, much is being written on the merits of delaying Social Security from age 62, (Early Age), to 66 (Full Retirement Age) or even waiting until 70 (benefits must begin). Forget the rules of thumb and the pat answers. This is one of those cases where 'one size' absolutely does not fit all. There are simply too many nuances and special considerations unique to each person for general advice to be worthwhile.
Do you hold your money tightly or loosely? Do you dream about the possibilities your money could offer or do you lie awake at night fearing its loss? In essence, do you see money as a launching pad or a safety net? To an entrepreneur, money...
It gives us great pleasure to announce that Jared Korver has joined our growing Beacon family. Jared comes to us from Ernst & Young LLP, where he worked as a CPA in its Raleigh, NC tax practice. He gets considerable joy from serving people and solving...