
Circle the letters in the list below that best describe the financial planning process for you (please select as many as are appropriate). More time: Sailing, fishing, swimming, hiking, biking, walking, running, scuba diving, mentoring, tinkering, painting, crafting, cooking, gardening, stamp collecting, reading, writing, enjoying...

As suggested would happen in a Brief weeks ago, Senate Republicans have failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. While the opposition was fierce from Democrats, the media, health providers, special interest groups, and the insurance industry, the lethal blow was delivered by...

Each summer about this time amid the lazy hot days of vacation and slower work weeks, I like to tell a story of my youth. This one is particularly timely as it coincides with Disney's hit movie Cars 3. If you haven't seen it, collect...

Republicans currently face the near impossible task of repealing Obamacare and passing a replacement bill that will not cost them politically. At their core, Republicans are loathe to add additional entitlement spending to an already broken federal budget, but no political alternative exists because, since its...

Working closely with people and their money for almost 35 years, I've seen and learned a great deal about human behavior. As doctors observe the physical impact of bad health habits and counselors uncover the personal and relational damage of bad life choices, caring advisors contend with...

With summertime upon us, complete with tropical storm Cindy soaking the South, and nearly half of 2017 in the books, this might be a good time to review the progress and condition of the capital markets. While forecasting the direction of the markets is not...

This week I’ve been cleaning out my desk as I prepare for our move to our new offices on Glenwood Avenue. While organizing, I discovered that I have a paper copy of every single tax return I’ve filed since 1994. The financial nerd in me...

This weekend my wife and I will be keeping three of our grandchildren and I can't wait. The twins are 6 and the youngest, 3. We've been thinking all week about the fun things we will do together. This morning, while pondering today's Brief, I was reminded of one of the great joys of being with children; which is their boundless capacity for imagination. It is nothing short of amazing how freely and effortlessly they enter into a world that we adults have sadly  'grown' out of along the way. But if we are willing, our children and grandchildren can happily lead us, hand-in-crayon, marker, dirt, or paint-covered hand, back into the lost world of our imaginations.

Just three weeks away from moving into our new office here in Raleigh, we've learned a lot of lessons about planning in a very hands-on sort of way. The hand-drawn timeline that we started with (thanks to our wonderful general contractor) appears almost laughable in hindsight, and yet if we hadn't begun there, it's likely that we would be three months away from move-in rather than three weeks.