
I suspect most of our readers know of the FIRE acronym - Financial Independence, Retire Early. I came across a recent Pew Research report that discussed how the age of young adults reaching financial independence from their parents is shifting later, so thought this week's...

Several years ago, I wrote about how we canceled our Amazon Prime membership. The decision was less about whether the cost of Prime fit into our family’s budget and was more about whether we were paying for a service that didn’t actually benefit us. It’s...

Waiting has been on my mind a lot over the holiday season. There’s the waiting of children as they see their presents under the Christmas tree, but have to wait to see what’s inside. There’s seemingly waiting everywhere you go this time of year -...

Several years ago, Spotify started a viral marketing campaign which provided music streamers with a nicely packaged summary of their year in music listening. 2024 Spotify Wrapped was released earlier this week so you may have been inundated with people sharing their personalized results. ...