The most important requirement for creating and protecting wealth is good decision-making. Seems obvious, until we remind ourselves of our own costly financial missteps. And before you get too hard on yourself, consider the colossal ones made by major CEOs, almost on a daily basis...

Disintegration: To lose unity, integrity, or strength by or as if by breaking into parts, as defined by Merriam Webster. Our social, political and institutional systems offer, on a daily basis, glaring examples of the debilitating impact of 'breaking into parts.' Self interest and promotion,...

[caption id="attachment_9482" align="alignleft" width="225"] Future Financial Advisor[/caption] My son Cooper and I love to go to Ace Hardware in Seaboard Station. Usually we go to get something for a house project but I’ll admit we occasionally go just for the free popcorn and to watch the...