Bear markets turn investor strengths into liabilities and this insidious beast is no exception.  The aftershocks of the ‘Internet Bubble’ make this crash all the more difficult.  What we held as strengths before the collapse in confidence have become liabilities.  During Bull markets, long-term investors are rewarded for holding good companies in spite of brief stock pullbacks that occur when short-term investors are frightened off by negative news.  Investors with longer views snap up the bargains left behind, believing that the news has limited or no long-term relevance.  Alternatively, bear markets lack clarity or visibility of the future, making it difficult or impossible to know whether the effect of negative news is short lived or has longer implications. 

As I write this letter, the market is falling rather dramatically.  It was triggered by the PPI release this morning which was down considerably below expectations, primarily on falling energy prices.  Since then, the newswires show that 50 U.S. and British aircraft have attacked three Iraqi military targets.  Given the recent terrorist and military hostilities in Israel, the market undoubtedly fears worse trouble in the Middle East. 

Evidence is mounting that we may be very close to the low point in the economy.  The cyclical recovery is likely to be more muted than earlier expected, but it looks doubtful that we will see a full-scale retreat.   Six reductions in the overnight bank-lending rate by the Federal Reserve and government mailings of advance tax refund checks should provide consumers with reason to keep spending. 

Increasingly, economists are saying the worst may be behind us, but recovery is not clearly in sight.  Mr. Greenspan’s comments to Congress yesterday pointed to the possibility of a turn in the economy in the second half of this year, but he warned that the current malaise could likely continue for some time to come.  Recent company earnings reports have not been as bad as feared while revenues did disappoint more often.  Managers in general have done an excellent job cutting expenses in the face of this dramatic slowdown, but their reluctance or inability to provide any meaningful guidance about the near-term future weighed on stock prices.