Stocks posted their best quarter since 2003 as the second quarter came to an end. Stocks held on to the majority of their increase as the S&P 500-stock index finished the quarter up 15% and the year up 1.8%. As investors who missed the rally buy on dips, the vast majority feel the best is behind until the economy can prove it is up to expectations. The next big test is corporate profits for the second quarter which will be released in the coming weeks. They must match or beat analysts’ projections to sustain stock prices at current levels.

In the days of sailing ships one of a captain’s greatest fears was being becalmed in the Doldrums. Ships could be trapped for weeks without sign or hope of a breeze powerful or consistent enough to propel them safely out of the morass. These regions exist at the earth’s equator and are characterized by extreme low pressures, where the prevailing winds are calm and variable.

After trading in a narrow range from the beginning of June, stocks took a 3.7% dive on Monday and Tuesday as investors focused more on the disappointing economic news than on positive. However, the down days were on relatively light volume and there was little selling conviction evident.

Markets largely tracked sideways this week as investors weighed improving economic signs against concerns of rising interest rates, inflation, and a falling dollar. The Treasury successfully completed a record offering of debt including the reintroduction of the 30-year bond. Earlier this week Treasury announced that they would allow nine banks to repay their TARP money. The move reveals improved internal and regulator confidence in their stability. The money is also freed for other uses. Jobless claims, retail sales, and other economic reports continued trending more positive.