Why do we Christians call today Good Friday? On this day the “Light of the World” was extinguished. Jesus Christ hung on a cross for six torturous hours and died at the ninth hour or about 3:00. His followers hid themselves in fear of instant death at the hands of crowds that had been whipped up against them by the rulers of the day.

One of the most challenging issues we face as investors is the temptation to change, or worse, abandon our carefully reasoned investment plans for perceived threats or opportunities. In these instances we wonder whether we should apply the brakes or step on the accelerator. It seems only as a last resort do we consider sticking with our carefully laid-out investment plan, ignoring the temptations of the day.

The topic of new stock highs continues to dominate conversations these days. Some argue the economy simply doesn't support the market while others are convinced that the concurrent improvement in stocks and economic indicators portends better times ahead. The S&P 500 (pictured below) is now up 9.1% for the year, having increased 2.7% for the month so far. The index is just a few points away from its all-time highs. Once crossed it will join the company of other indexes exploring new heights like the Dow Jones Industrials and the Wilshire 5000.

Today's jobs report is lifting stocks to new heights. The Dow Jones Industrial Index crossed its historic high on March 5th and is now 200 points, or 1.4% beyond its high last reached in October of 2007. The total US Stock market as measured by the Vanguard Total Market Index is 2.3% above its October record and crossed that mark on February 8th. The S&P 500 has just under 2% to go before it makes a new high.