I’m not much of a gardener, as much as I’d like to be known for having a green thumb. I greatly admire the work of others and aspire to hone my skills but there’s so much to learn and do that it seems too daunting...
As a financial advisor, I often find myself having conversations about the delicate balance between current spending and saving for future financial goals. Recently, Crystal and I encountered this tension in our own lives when we considered using savings we had designated for a new...
You are likely well aware already that Spring is coming - if it wasn't the recent time change that did it, it may have been the 70 degree days or pollen already in the air that tipped you off. The first official day of Spring...
Last week I met with a client who is thinking about reducing his income. Obviously, there's a lot that goes into this decision, but one consideration we discussed is how less pay will affect his Social Security benefit. This kind of exercise can be helpful...