16 Aug 2023 Three Investments That Should Pay Significant Dividends.
Recently, I made three different investments that I’m confident will pay significant dividends in the future. Normally, people in my profession should avoid making such statements, but I think I’m in the clear in this case. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of adding alternative investments to our retirement portfolios. Not the kind of alternative investments that the Yale Endowment or ultra-high net worth family offices make. Rather, investments in our health and our relationships, two factors that seem to be the strongest predictors of satisfaction and happiness during people’s retirement years.
The three investments I made are as follows…
I engaged with a new primary care physician. One that has the time and capacity to gain an in-depth understanding of my personal health picture. I wanted a doctor that could not only address my immediate healthcare needs but also offer guidance on the things that would likely become issues down the road. I’ll admit, this was a little intimidating to me, but at 51, it was time to get a handle on my overall health to ensure that I’ll have the best chance possible of living life as I hope in my 60s, 70s, and 80s.
I scheduled a recurring coffee with friend. This investment sounds pretty basic, but I’ve learned that if I don’t put something on my calendar these days, it’s unlikely to happen. It may be simple, but it’s important. Just like our financial investments, our personal friendships and relationships need regular contributions of time, attention, and sacrifice if they are to flourish now and down the road.
I prioritized regular exercise. Before I had kids, I exercised daily. Sure, I’ve remained active over the last seven or eight years, but it’s been hit or miss. I got serious again after reading Dr. Peter Attia’s book Outlive. In it, Attia says that “Exercise is by far the most potent longevity ‘drug.’ The data are unambiguous: Exercise not only delays actual death but also prevents both cognitive and physical decline better than any other intervention. It is the single most potent tool we have in the health-span-enhancing toolkit—and that includes nutrition, sleep, and meds.”
I have to tell you that I feel a little self-conscious sharing these things. After all, I’m a financial advisor, not a life coach, and I understand that these things are not directly related to personal finance. Not to mention advice related to our health and our relationships can and should be highly personal. However, I wanted to share this with you because I believe that these types of investments are just as important as the ones we make in our financial portfolios. Perhaps more so. Thanks for allowing me the space to share. Are there any alternative investments you might want to consider?