19 Jul 2002 Is that a Towel in the Ring?
Posted at 16:19h
in The Friday Brief
Think back to March of 2000 and you might recall those strong the public statements that were bandied about by the government’s Microsoft trustbusters. Their tone of retribution was the impetus, in the opinion of many, that launched the first phase of the ‘great bear market of 2000 to 200?.’ The question that keeps me awake at night is this; could the bear be prolonged indefinitely as our congress and administration posture to ‘reform’ securities laws, and in so doing, drive away investors and CEOs who fear that the new regulations will be too restrictive to promote effective capital formation or excessive penalties? It is plausible that the markets are not so worried that every company is crooked as they are that Washington will overreach in addressing a problem that is not as widespread the big-government proponents would have us believe.