21 Aug 2009 “Checks” and “Balances”
Posted at 16:15h
in The Friday Brief
Our government was designed with great care by the Founding Fathers to protect “We the people” from the tyranny of majorities or loud and powerful minorities. Our system of “checks and balances” is not perfect, but it has served an ethnically diverse nation well these 230 plus years. However, one glaring omission threatens to ruin it all. Fundamentally understood and respected by the Fathers, but nearly lost on today’s leaders is the idea of fiscal discipline, or spending no more than is received. Indeed today’s Senators and Congressmen are richly rewarded by “we the people” through longevity of office and growth of power, to take from one class and give it to another. Our leaders write larger ‘checks’ against ever-decreasing asset and ever-increasing liability ‘balances’ with no end in sight. Perhaps “we the people” are finally rising up to say enough is enough?