Often in financial planning, one seemingly simple decision has ripple effects into other elements of your financial life that may not be obvious from quick glance. Sometimes the impact is more immediate and shows up on this year’s tax return. Other times the impact shows...

If you’re unfamiliar with Inspector Gamache, and have any propensity to enjoy mystery novels, I highly suggest picking up Louise Penny’s series that centers around Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté de Quebec. Her books follow Inspector Gamache as he leads his team through...

If you’re on any form of social media, you most likely saw pictures and videos circulating from last weekend's Platinum Jubilee celebrations for Queen Elizabeth. My favorite image of the bunch is of 4-year old Prince Louis making faces at his mom, the beautiful Kate...

Several years ago, a friend called me “book-ish” – which felt like an insult at the time. It may have been said both in trust and in jest, and I may have also given the strong reaction that they were hoping to get – but...